Thursday, September 18, 2008

Night by Elie Wiesel Entry #2

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chisom mokwuah said...

Chisom Mokwuah

p.78:Eli has gotten used to the cold stones of the camp factory

p.78:Eli felt as if being in the infirmary was not so bad

p.80:Eli is not suprised to hear the rumors about the battle front getting closer to the camp

p.82:Eli was no longer worrting about death ,but of being separated from his father.Death was no longer a fear.

p.85:Eli was running in the icy cold but didn't seem to affect him it ws like he was a robot.

p.92: after some people died after running no one prayed over them.Dying was now the norm

p.104: when Eli and his father got to Appleplatz the crematorium no longer interested them.

EmilyTimothy said...

Moments where Elie is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps:

•Elie soon forgets about the young boy from Poland that died right before his eyes. Page 86
•When he was running in the freezing cold he could close his eyes and see a whole dream world. Page 87
•When they rested in the abandoned town Elie didn’t pay attention to the men beneath his feet. Page 89
•The crematorium’s furnace didn’t impress or draw the attention of the prisoners. Page 104
•Elie didn’t move to help when his father was beaten. Page 111
•Elie didn’t weep when his father died. Page 112
•He only worries about food. Page 113

Unknown said...

Blog entry #2

pg 78

Elie and the other prisoners went to work in the camp they were cold and their bodies felt frozen, but he said we got used to it.

Pg 79

Elie was in the infirmary for his infected foot. He felt safe in the doctors presence. Elie said, “every word was healing and every glance of his carried a message of hope.”

Pg 86

During the march out of the camps Elie saw a young boy fall to floor with pain he didn’t believe the SS killed him. He just thought he died trampled, and he soon forgot him and began to think about himself.

Pg 86

he was in pain because of his foot he thought about death. The idea of dying began to fascinate him.

Pg 89

There was death around Elie and his father. Elie saw himself in every corps he said, “ soon I wouldn’t be seeing them anymore I would be one of them.”

Pg 91

Rabbi Eliahu asked Eli if he had seen his son he had lost in the march. Elie said no, but then remembered that the son was walking faster than the father, it seemed he was trying to get away from him. Elie was glad he didn’t mention this to Rabbi Eliahu. He prayed to God to give him strength to do what Rabbi Eliahu’s son did.

Pg 94 and 95

Elie began to hear the sound of Violins playing during the crushing of people in the barracks. It was like a concert giving to the audience of the dead and dying.

Pg 112

The day his father died, he did not cry. He felt free at last.

Pg 113

He spent his days in total idleness. With the only desire to eat. He no longer thought of his mother or father.

munazzaalam said...

Some specific moments when it seems Wiesel is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps are:
1) p.78 “I had forgotten that people slept in sheets”
2) p. 86 “He [Zalman] must have died, trampled under the feet of the thousands of men who followed us. I soon forgot him. I began to think of myself again.”
3) p. 93 “I dug my nails into the unknown faces. I was biting my way through,searching for air.”
4) p. 94 “I scratched, I fought for a breath of air. I tore at decaying flesh.”
5) p. 96 “We took out our spoons and ate the snow off our neighbors’ backs. A mouthful of bread and a spoonful of snow.”
6) p. 99 “Twenty corpses were thrown from our wagon. Then the train resumed its journey leaving in its wake…hundreds of naked orphans without a tomb.”
7) p. 100 “A worker took a piece of bread …and threw it into the wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought desperately over a few crumbs.”
8) p. 106 “I fought my way to the coffee cauldron like a wild beast.”
9) p. 107 “I gave him [Elie’s father] what was left of my soup. But my heart was heavy. I was aware that I was doing it grudgingly.”
10) p. 111 “ ‘Eliezer’, continued my father…I didn’t move. I was afraid, my body was afraid of another blow, this time to my head.”
11) p. 112 “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me , if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!”

nicolette iervasi said...

There are moments in the story when Elie is becoming immune to the horrific things going on at the camp. These moments are as follows:

(p. 78) Elie became immune to the bitter coldness and the numbness of his fingers.

(p. 86) When Zalman died on the march, Elie just left him there and forgot about him.

(p. 87) As Elie is running as fast as he can on the march, he was frozen, out of breath and famished. He still went on.

(p. 89) Elie and his father didnt even pay attention to the dead people laying there, as if it was a regular thing.

(p. 98) Elie didnt even care about death anymore. He could care less if he died tomorrow or now. He didn't want to go through the pain.

When there is very little food for him, he doesnt even complain. He just accepts it.

When Elie sees his father dieing in the snow, he just leaves him there with sadness, knowing he will eventually die.

Ashley Rios said...

Ashley Rios

Make a list of specific moments where it seems Elie is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps.

p. 86- I don’t believe he was finished off by an SS officer, for nobody had noticed. He must have died trampled under the feet of the thousands of men who followed us. I soon forgot him.

p. 88-89- Beneath our feet lay crumpled men, crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention.

p.89- Nobody asked anyone for help. One died because one had to. No point in making trouble.

p. 94- All I can say is I prevailed. I succeeded in digging a wall through that hole of dead and dying people, a small hole through which I could drink little air.

p.96- Several SS men rushed to find me, creating such confusion that a number of people were able to switch over to the right- among them my father and I. Still there were gunshots and some dead.

p. 100- We were nothing but frozen bodies. Our eyes closed, we merely waited for the next stop, to unload our dead.

p. 101- But the other threw himself on him. The old man mumbled something and died. Nobody cared.

p. 101-102- Two men had been watching him. They jumped him. Others joined in. When they withdrew, there were two dead bodies next to me, the father and the son.

p.103- Suddenly, a cry arose in the wagon, the cry of a wounded animal. Someone had just died.

p.112- I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!

nicolenetrosio said...

Nicole Netrosio
Some moments where Elie seems to be immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camp:
1) pg86- Elie sees men collapsing and the sound of gunshots
2) pg89- while walking they trampled over many bodies and corpses
3) pg99- Throwing all the dead outside of the train and the living were glad to have more room
4) pg 100-101-Bread being thrown into the train and a battle to obtain it
5) pg101- He sees a son beat his father to death for a piece of bread and has no affect on him
6) pg104- Elie stand in front of the crematorium’s furnace and showed no emotion
7) pg111- Elie’s father is violently beaten and Elie doesn’t move
These moment show how the concentration camp made Elie unaffected to seeing the sights of these and many others daily

Anonymous said...

Some ways Elizer became immune to the horrific nature of concentration camp were: (diff ed)
-"Do we have to regard Hitler as a prophet" pg. 77
-I was putting one foot in front of the other. don't think. don't stop. run. pg. 80
-"My whole will to live was centered in my nails" pg.89
-"Ten days, Ten nights of traveling" pg. 95
-"a week went by like this" pg104

-irene maresca

Unknown said...

KerriAnn McCafferty
Here is a list that shows moments in the book
that it seems like Elie is becoming immune
to the horrific nature of the concentration camps:
pg #92 : Elie's foot has hurt for so long that he
no longer feels the pain.
pg #94 : Sleep was no longer as important to Elie.
pg #95 : Hearin the cannons of their liberators no
longer gave them hope.
pg #98 : Elie excepted the fact that they were all
going to die some time.
pg #102 : Elie has witnessed so many deaths that even
ones of people he knew didn't upset him.

Sireen Musleh said...

some ways he was immuend to it were:

- he saw his own father die from giving his son food and water and not saving for himself

- he saw many little children and babies die in a fire ditch

-he walked over dead bodeis when he passed another consentration camp.

- he had another jew lay next to him ddecaying and his eyes were dead.

- he was not afraid of wat will happen next because he already saw what had happend before

- he saw what had happend to his friend when he got caught stealing a little soup to eat to gain strength to work harder during camp.

XxR3lxX said...

Meaghan Conyers 9-2

1. pg 82 Elie doesn't think about death but about not wanting to be separated from his father.

2. pg 83 Elie makes a comparison between the prisoners and clowns.

3. pg 87 Elie falls into a dream-like state while running.

4. pg 89 Elie rebels against death

5. pg 95 Elie listens to Juliek play the violin

6. pg 113 Elie only wants to eat

Anonymous said...

Alexis Haley
Night- pages 77-115
"List specific moments where it seems Wiesel is horrific nature of camps."

There followed terrible days. We received more blows than food. The work was crushing. And three days after he left, we forgot to say Kaddish.
We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen ... But we got used to that too.

I had forgotten that people slept in sheets.

Actually, being in the infirmary was not bad at all: we were entitled to good break, a thicker soup.

We were quite used to this kind of rumor.

"I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people."

That afternoon at four o'clock, as usual, the bell called all the Blockälteste for their daily report.

In the morning, the camp did not look the same.

I soon forgot him. I began to think of myself again.

The road was endless.

One died because one had to. No point in making trouble.

Sons abandoned the remains of their fathers without a tear.

We were given bread, the usual ration.

Suddenly, a cry rose in the wagon, the cry of a wounded animal. Someone had just died.

I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last! ...

I no longer though about my father, or my mother.

And even when we were no longer hungry, not one of us though of revenge.

Anonymous said...

Christina Askew pages 77-115
-Pg. 78 – When Elie says they went to work as usual, with their frozen bodies. He says it as if it was normal to work in the freezing cold. It had become routine for them.

-Pg.86 – When Elie watches his friend fall to the ground and die, Elie then soon forgets him.

-Pg.92 – When the men started marching again Elie states that sons abandoned the remains of their fathers without a tear.

-Pg.98 – Elie says die today tomorrow or later it did not matter. That is when I had realized Elie had given up all hope.

-Pg.112 – When Elie’s Father is taken away without Elie knowing .Elie knows he was most likely taken to the crematorium and Elie knows that his fathers’ last words were his son’s name. Then Elie says he could not weep for his father and that is what pained him because deep down inside his heart all he could find was the thought of being free.

marykate ryan said...

Elie Wiesel is a Jewish teenager during the Nazi invasion. He and his family are captured by the Nazi’s and taken by train to concentration camp. During this time, Elie and his father are separated from his mother and sister. Though the conditions were harsh, Elie kept his faith and perservered. Soon enough, he thought of the harsh neglect from the Germans as a usual routine and regular treatment. Here are some examples of this situation:

pg. 78: “Elie went off to work, with his body frozen as usual.”

pg. 81: “As usual, the bell called all the Blockalteste for their daily report.”

pg. 91: “Elie and his fellow prisoners had stayed close together for three years. Side by side, they had endured the suffering, the blows; they had waited for their ration of bread and they had prayed.”

Alexa J. said...

Alexa Jantz
page 77-115..Make a list of moments where it seems that Elie is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps.

1) On page 77, Elie is talking about how he promised he would say Kaddish to Akiba Drumer, after he died. After his death, Elie forgot to pray. This is very weird for Elie, because he used to always pray.

2) On page 78, Elie said that during work his hands felt frozen and it was as if his hands were going to get stuck to the rock. He then said that it didn't matter, because he was used to that already.

3) On page 86, Elie starts thinking about how he wouldn't mind dying, because it was better then the pain he was dealing with. Before he had entered the camp, and before he became immune to it, he was saying that he would never give up.

4) On page 91, Elie says that he does not believe in God anymore.

5) On page 104 Elie says that the crematorium furnace no longer impressed him. It barely drew his attention.

6) On page 106, Elie started getting selfish. He had abandoned his father, and thought about how it would be easier to take care of just himself and leave his dad.

shannon rubin said...

#79 Elie had an operation on his foot.
#81 They had to evacuate to some deep place in Germany. They made them march.
#82 His wound reopened and no one was going to help him.
#85 Still not at destination. Now they have to run instead of march. People are falling and being stepped on like they are nothing.
#86 Elie is ready to collape, but he tells himself 'don't think don't stop,run!'
#90 Elie and his father think that if they fall asleep, that is a sign of death. So they are trying not to fall a sleep.
#95 It's been three days and they have yet to get food or water and they haven't taken a shower.
#105 His father says he can't go on and Elie denies it. He says he is thristy but you can't just get up and get a drink. They only give you so much.
#108 Docters won't help you if you are sick.
#111 Elie watches as his father gets hit in the head but he doesn't do anything because he is afraid to get the same treatment.
#112 When Elie wakes up he doesn't see his father and he doesn't even cry. His mind is on something else.

Anonymous said...

pg.77- Elie was becoming immune to the random selections of the camp. He was immune to people he anyone in the camp being sent to the crematorium to be burned. It's a horrible thing to become used to, but it happened so often that was a common routine of a concentration camp unfortunately.

pg.78- "We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen. The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt that our hands would remain stuck. But we go used to that too." -Elie Wiesel
This quote explains how Eliezer becomes immune to the harsh weather and conditions he was forced to work in at the concentration camps.

pg. 86- Eliezer and the camp prisoners were being evacuated from Auschwitz, in Poland to another camp. The camp prisoners were told to march and run the whole way. If they couldn’t keep up they'd be shoot on the spot. During the endless run, Elie was immune to the people being shot beside him. He was immune to such crulity and that you could be shot at anytime of any day by the S.S.

pg.88-"Beneath our feet there lay men, crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention to them" -Eliezer Wiesel
I think this quote displays becoming immune to the disturbing fact of how and what the camp does to the people in the camp physically. Also, how Eliezer is immune to many people dieing at the same time in horrific conditions.

Pg. 96- Before leaving Gleiwitz, there was a selection. Again, Eliezer was used to the 2 lines, one for life and the other for death, but it still scared him. Also, he’s immune to the lack of food and when he’s thirsty he is comes to eat the snow.

Anonymous said...

pg 82 "I was not thinking about death but about not wanting to be separated from my father."
pg 86 Elie thinks positivley about making it to the end and being able to stop, and even encourages another person to keep going.
pg 87 "We were the masters of nature, the masters of the world. We had transcended everything- death, fatigue, our natural needs. We were stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns and the desire to die, doomed and rootless, nothing but numbers, we were the only men on earth."
pg 92- Elie realizes that the end is near, and does not give up.
-Jesse Mauro

Lauren Komitor said...

pg.77- Elie was becoming immune to the random selections of the camp. He was immune to people he anyone in the camp being sent to the crematorium to be burned. It's a horrible thing to become used to, but it happened so often that was a common routine of a concentration camp unfortunately.

pg.78- "We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen. The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt that our hands would remain stuck. But we go used to that too." -Elie Wiesel
This quote explains how Eliezer becomes immune to the harsh weather and conditions he was forced to work in at the concentration camps.

pg. 86- Eliezer and the camp prisoners were being evacuated from Auschwitz, in Poland to another camp. The camp prisoners were told to march and run the whole way. If they couldn’t keep up they'd be shoot on the spot. During the endless run, Elie was immune to the people being shot beside him. He was immune to such crulity and that you could be shot at anytime of any day by the S.S.

pg.88-"Beneath our feet there lay men, crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention to them" -Eliezer Wiesel
I think this quote displays becoming immune to the disturbing fact of how and what the camp does to the people in the camp physically. Also, how Eliezer is immune to many people dieing at the same time in horrific conditions.

Pg. 96- Before leaving Gleiwitz, there was a selection. Again, Eliezer was used to the 2 lines, one for life and the other for death, but it still scared him. Also, he’s immune to the lack of food and when he’s thirsty he is comes to eat the snow.

Anonymous said...

The moments that i think Elie is becoming immune to the horros of the concentration camp is ..

pg . 94 _ German workman throw a piece of bread into a passing wagon. There is a stampede for the morsel of bread.

pg. 106 _ Elie wakes up the next day, his father is gone . they had taken him during the night. Elie feels guilty that he has no tears to shed

pg. 90 _ walking over to a diffrent camps .

pg 70 _After only three days, they forget the promise.

shannon said...

pg 79-Elie talks about how every night feels like its so long
and thats because hes being tortured.

pg 101 -they’re starving and he wants to leave his father starts to get sick

pg 102- He becomes weaker every day can’t walk too tired, they beat the father and scold him because he cant work.

pg 104 –Elie is still getting hit and beaten and still very little food.

pg 105 -he sees a doctor and the doctor can’t do anything for him because the doctor doesn’t care about his health.

pg 106- he goes to the crematorium and sees dead piled bodies laying all around and on the floor.

Pg- 107 father dies he feels lonely and neglected and the people at concentration camp don’t care still and they still make him work and he gets beaten because they no he’s weak

by shannon ohalloran

shannon said...

pg 79-Elie talks about how every night feels like its so long
and thats because hes being tortured.

pg 101 -they’re starving and he wants to leave his father starts to get sick

pg 102- He becomes weaker every day can’t walk too tired, they beat the father and scold him because he cant work.

pg 104 –Elie is still getting hit and beaten and still very little food.

pg 105 -he sees a doctor and the doctor can’t do anything for him because the doctor doesn’t care about his health.

pg 106- he goes to the crematorium and sees dead piled bodies laying all around and on the floor.

Pg- 107 father dies he feels lonely and neglected and the people at concentration camp don’t care still and they still make him work and he gets beaten because they no he’s weak

shannon ohalloran

Lindsey G said...

Lindsey Goodwin
pg 79 Elie had surgery and he didn't take his eyes off the operation.

pg 80 Elie didn't care when his neighbor told him Hitler said Jews will be anihilated by twelve tonight.

pg 82 Elie didn't think about death;He just didn't want to be seperated from his father.

pg 82 Elie didn't return to the infirmary even though his wound had opened and was bleeding.

pg 83 Elie walked on his wounded foot without a shoe.

pg 86 Zalman was trampled to death, and Eliezer didn't even look back.

pg 87 Eliezer continued to run, not feeling his numb foot.

pg 87 Our legs moved mechanically though we were parched, famished, and out of breath.

pg 88 People were lying dead on the floor, and everyone just walked over them.

pg 92 My wounded foot hurt no longer, and I feel I have lost my foot forever.

pg 94 Eliezer stayed with his father despite the chanllenges he faced at the concentration camp.

pg 95 Elie ran after his father even though he could have been killed.

pg 98 Eliezer said that he didn't care where or when he died.

pg 99 Elie didn't react to corpses being thrown off the cart and undressed until they tried to take his father away.

pg 101 No one cared when Meir killed his own father for bread.

pg 104 Elie said that the crematoria was very close, but it no longer impressed us. It barely drew out attention.

pg 111 Eliezer's father was given a violent blow to the head, and Eliezer didn't even move.

pg 112 Elie couldn't find tears inside him to cry when his father was taken away while he was sleeping.

julie martino said...

Julie Martino, 9-18

During night (pgs 77-115)
Elie shows a lot of immunity to the horrors of the concentration camps, almost as if it doesnt even bother him anymore. Such as..
Pg 77- Elies friend Akiba Drumer dies, and he doesn't show any sign of pain or sadness, just says prayer after the 3rd day.
Pg 78- "We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen. The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt our hands would remain stuck. But we got used to that." Again, Elie is in a horrible situation, were he is bascially freezing, and he just gets over it.
Pg 80- Elie is tod that the red cross army is racing towards Buna,
and Elie assumes its just a rumor, because he doesnt eblieve anything can get better, he had no faith. He didnt care.
Pg 82-There was talk about the camp being blown up, and that they would all die, but this didnt both Elie, he didnt even think about his death, only not to be seperated from his father.
pg 86- Elie is running by a young polish kid, when the kid suddenly gets a stomach ache, and falls to the ground, then shortly awaiting his death, as he gets trampled by the other runners. Elie watches this boy die, but then soon forgets his. Like it doesnt even matter, and starts to think about his one survival, again.
pg 89- After running countless miles, Elie and his father walk a little further to a little shack. While doing this they step over a number of dead bodies, on the ground. Normally, people would freak out at the sight of dead bodies, but they just ignor it and think nothing of it.
Pg 92- Again, the people started no march leaving all the dead bodies in the yard. No one recited Kaddish over them , like they used to in the beginning of their inprisonment, no one caring who those dead people were,they just walked right past them.
Pg 106- Elie is searching for his father, because they were seperated, when he has an ephiphany. Elie hopes he didn't find his father. So he wouldn't have to constantly take care of his father. For a second, he secretly hoped he wouldnt find his father.
Pg 111- Elie is lying in his bunk, listening to his father, plead for him to get him water, and to help him, whicl the gaurds were beating his father in the head. In the beginning of the book, he would have helped his father, but by now, Elie just lyed still. not making any movment to help his father, afraid he would get hurt like his father was getting hurt.

Erica Moore said...

Erica Moore
Pg. 77- Elie and the others completely forgot to say Kaddish for Akiba, who was sent to the crematoria to die.

Pg. 85- Elie and the others were called filthy dogs, yet Elie didn’t say a word to stick up for himself. He was somewhat used to being called such horrible names.

Pg. 88- When Elie stopped marching for hours he found the snow to be comforting and soft like a carpet because he got so used to the cold, horrible conditions.

Pg.89- Elie walked over dead people with almost no concern.

Pg. 111- Elie became greedy and thought about taking his sick father’s rations and also didn’t say a word when he saw his father being hit.

Pg. 112- Elie had almost no emotion over his father’s death. He didn’t shed a tear and thought of his death as more of a burden lifted from him.

Lindsey G said...

Lindsey Goodwin
pg 79 Elie had surgery and he didn't take his eyes off the operation.

pg 80 Elie didn't care when his neighbor told him Hitler said Jews will be anihilated by twelve tonight.

pg 82 Elie didn't think about death. He just didn't want to be seperated from his father.

pg 82 Elie didn't return to the infirmary even though his wound had reopened and was bleeding.

pg 83 Elie walked on his wounded foot without a shoe.

pg 86 Zalman was trampled to death, and Eliezer didn't even look back.

pg 87 Eliezer continued to run not feeling his numb foot.

pg 87 Our legs moved mechanically though we were parched, famished, and out of breath.

pg 88 People were lying dead on the floor, and everyone just walked over them.

pg 92 My wounded foot hurt no longer, and I feel I have lost my foot forever.

pg 94 Eliezer stayed with his father despite the chanllenges he faced at the concentration camp.

pg 95 Elie ran after his father even though he could have been killed.

pg 98 Eliezer said that he didn't care where or when he died.

pg 99 Elie didn't react to corpses being thrown off the cart and undressed, until they tried to take his father away.

pg 101 No one cared when Meir killed his own father for bread.

pg 104 Elie said that the crematoria was very close, but it no longer impressed us. It barely drew out attention.

pg 111 Eliezer's father was given a violent blow to the head, and Eliezer didn't even move.

pg 112 Elie couldn't find tears inside him to cry when his father was taken away while he was sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Allex Volpe
English 9
Section 4

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer was brought to a concentration camp during the Holocaust. While he was there, he witnessed many horrible deaths. He was at the camps for a very long period of time and started to become immune to the horrific nature of the camps.

Page 77- Akiba Drumer tells Elie that he will soon be gone, but Akiba, Elie, and the others knew it was coming. They knew that when they would see the smoke come from the chimney in three days, they knew it would be Akiba and they would think of him.

Page 78- Elie says how he is used to the camp by stating that they went off to work as usual, their bodies were frozen and their hands felt like stones, but he was used to it after doing it for many months.

Page 84- Elie talks about the march to Gleiwitz, how everything they did getting ready for the march, was going according to plan. It was as if it were practically muscle memory to him. They stood in ranks, block by block, and night had fallen. It was same movements, same places, and the same horrible and cruel people.

marisa degennaro said...

In Night Elie Wiesel is brought to Auswitz (concentration camp) with his family. They all get split up. In the concentration camp the Natzi's forced the Jews to work in bad conditions. Here are some examples from the story when Elie started to become immune to the camp :

pg. 91: Elie and his fellow prisoners had stayed close together for three years. Side by side, they had endured the suffering, the blows; they had waited for their ration of bread and they had prayed.

pg. 78: We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen.The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt that our hands would remain stuck but we got used to that too.

pg. 83: We were masters of nature, master's of the wrold, we had forgotten everything-death, fatigue, our natural needs,. Stronger than the shots and the desire to die, condemed and wondering, mere numbers, we were th eonly men on earth.

marisa degennaro said...

In Night Elie Wiesel is brought to Auswitz (concentration camp) with his family. They all get split up. In the concentration camp the Natzi's forced the Jews to work in bad conditions. Here are some examples from the story when Elie started to become immune to the camp :

pg. 91: Elie and his fellow prisoners had stayed close together for three years. Side by side, they had endured the suffering, the blows; they had waited for their ration of bread and they had prayed.

pg. 78: We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen.The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt that our hands would remain stuck but we got used to that too.

pg. 83: We were masters of nature, master's of the wrold, we had forgotten everything-death, fatigue, our natural needs,. Stronger than the shots and the desire to die, condemed and wondering, mere numbers, we were th eonly men on earth.

Brittany Fallon said...

Specific moments where it seems Wiesel is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps.

-Elie stated that he had gotten used to the feeling of the stones feeling like they were frozen on his hands.

-When Elie first went to the infirmary, he was placed on a bed with white sheets. He admitted that he had forgotten people slept on sheets.

- Elie compared his under-heated and damaged body to a machine during the evacuation. He focused on nothing putting one foot in front of the next.

-Elie had watched men die, and knew so many the lives were ending during the evacuation, but focused on his own being.

-During the evacuation, Elie claimed he was running like a sleepwalker. He could run with his eyes closed and close himself off from the rest of the world.

-There were dead men below the feet of the survivors of the evacuation. Elie said they were ignored.

-During the second move to the middle of Germany, Elie mentioned that the Jews were prepared, with blankets to keep warmer. He spoke as though moving and feeling completely numb had become second nature to them.

-Elie had a firm belief he would die, rather it be today, tomorrow, or later. In a way he welcomed death, wondering if he would be better off that way.

-Elie could no longer determine who was alive and who was dead when he was on the train. He came to the conclusion that there wasn't much of a difference.

-There was no longer any sympathy or care for others. Being the cause of someone's death did not phase anyone, nor did watching a person die. It was each man for himself.

-Food was not a main priority and not actually a main thought unless it was brought up. Some were not sure of the last time they ate.

-When Elie had woken up and found that his father was gone, he could not weep. He had felt free in a way. He was no longer burdened by his father. He could live for himself.

-After the death of his father, Elie became unaware of everything going on around him. He focused only upon eating.

Anonymous said...

Night By Elie Weisel
Elie was already used to being selected by the camps. He had seen so many people and babies being thrown into fires too and got used to seeing it again. It happened so many times at the camps so he was immune to it.

pg.78- "We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen. The stones were so cold that touching them, we felt that our hands would remain stuck. But we go used to that too." -Elie Wiesel
From this quote Elie explains how he has already been used to being cold when he was working and being outside all the time. The Germans would just look at them and wouldnt care to help them.

pg. 86- Elie and some other camp prisoners were being sent to another camp from the one they had been in Poland. The campers were told to walk/run the whole way and if they stopped they were to be shoot at the spot. While they were walking to the other camp Elie was immune to seeing other people that were being shot next to him by the S.S. officer. He had been used to seeing so much cruelty and people being shot everyday.

pg.88-"Beneath our feet there lay men, crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention to them" -Eliezer Wiesel
This quotes states what the Germans did to the Jews and how Elie was used to it. Elie is also immune to seeing many people die every minute of the day.

Pg. 96- Before leaving the camp of Gleiwitz, there was a selection again. Elie was used to being in 2 lines. One of them were for life and the other for death. The eath line scared him as much as the life one did but he was still immune to it. He is also immune to not having a lot of food and eating snow when thirsty.

Pasqualina Tirro said...

Some moments where it seems that Elie is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps are:

1. pg. 82- Elie has an operation on his foot, but only two days later, regardless of his pain, Elie leaves the infirmary in search for his father before an evacuation.

2. pg. 87- As the group is running, Elie is so used to the running that he feels like he's moving like a sleepwalker.

3. pg. 94- Not even reacting to the dead bodies lying on top of him, Elie claws his way through the dead for a breath of air.

4. pg. 96- Elie ran after his father when they were separated during selection, risking his life.

5. pg. 104- As Elie stood near the crematorium's furnace, he no longer reacted to it because it meant nothing to him.

6. pg. 112- Elie's father dies on January 28th and Elie didn't even weep because he was so used to death by this time. Inside his conscience he felt free at last.

Jessica SchianodiCola said...

p. 77- Elie says the days became short.
p. 80- Elie says he was used to the rumors.
p. 85- Elizer was moving like a machine, not paying attention to his wounded foot or how cold his body was.
p. 95- Elie hears the cannons close by but says he no longer has the strength or courage to think that the Russians would reach them before they could evacuate.
p. 104- The chimney of the crematorium's furnace no longer impressed them. Elie says that it barely drew their attention.
p. 115- After they were free, none of them thought of revenge or of their parents. They only thought of bread.

Pariis Garcia said...

In the story it seems Elie is becoming immune to the horrors of the concentration camp because of the following:
pg.82 One example is that instead of thinking about dying Elie is worried about being separated from his father. "As for me, I was thinking not about death but about not wanting to be separated from my father."
pg.86 The idea of dying begins to fascinate Elie. He becomes used to people dying around him.
pg.87 Elie said, "we had transended everything-death, fatigue, our natural needs. We are stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns and the desire to die..." This shows that Elie was immune to the horrors because it says how he was not affected by those things, he could survive them all.
pg.87 Elie said, "we exceeded the limitations of fatigue." This statement expressed that he could not get any more tired.
pg.98 Elie began to feel it didn't matter when he died. Elie said
"died today, or tommorrow, or later."
pg.104 When Elie saw the tall crematorium he had no emotions about it. He said,"It no longer impressed us. It barely drew our attention."

Alex Pagano said...

The moments in the book where Elie is becoming immune to the horrors of the camp are as follows:
(Pg. 77) They forgot to say the Kaddish for Akiba Drummer.
(Pg. 80) When there is news that the Red Army is coming, Elie doesn’t believe it.
(Pg. 85) Eliezer isn’t bothered much, by the fact that when they are running those who are weak are being shot.
(Pg. 86) At this point, Eliezer doesn’t care if he dies anymore.
(Pg. 101) he seems unfazed when he sees a father and son fighting over a piece of bread.
(Pg. 104) When he sees the crematorium, in Buchenwald, he and the others are no longer afraid or impressed by it.
(Pg. 106) He begins to not want his father to be alive, so he won’t have to take care of him.
(Pg. 112) Eliezer didn’t cry when his father died.

-Alex Pagano

julia troost said...

Moments were it seemed Elie was becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camp are:
1. Page 77- A man asked the people to pray for him after he had died. No one prayed for him.
2. Page 86- A young boy running beside him stopped and was trampled. He soon forgot about him.
3. Page 89- None paid attention to the dead men underneath them.
4. Page 106- Elie abandoned his father even though he knew he was going to die.
5. Page 107- Elie was trying to be a good son and give his soup to his dad. As he did it he felt almost jealousy and anger that he didn't have the soup
6. Page 111- A man told Elie he should be getting his sick fathers rations. For a moment Elie agreed.

Jillian Kimball said...

Jillian Kimball
(Different edition)
Page 82: Elie begins to enjoy the thought of being dead, because he won’t have to go through so much pain.
Page 84: Elie and his father were climbing out of the shed, under their feet men being crushed.
Page 90: Juliek plays his violin to the dead and dying men.
Page 93: Elie realizes he has no reason to live.
Page 94: Elie is immune to the men throwing naked dead bodies out the wagon.
Page 96: Elie witnesses men killing each other for pieces of bread, and also sees a man kill his own father for a piece of bread.
Page 99: Elie isn’t even fazed by the sight of the crematory.
Page 106: Elie’s father is killed in the crematory, but he is unable to cry.

Anonymous said...

Alyssa Tierney

‘dif ed’

Pg 81
Eliezer was not bothered by the killings going on around him.

Pg 90
Eliezer saw Juliek dead with his violin.

Pg 90
Eliezer is not disturbed by digging through dead bodies.

Pg 96
Eliezer witnesses a boy attack his father.

Pg 99
Eliezer and the others are not affected by the crematory anymore.

Pg 102
Eliezer thought he was no better then Zalman’s son

Pg 107
Eliezer has no emotions and he said his life no longer mattered

Pg 108
Eliezer was told everyone was going to be shot and he simply went back to his block

Anonymous said...

Corinne Rondina

"I pray to God within me for the strength to ask him the real quesitions"

"The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal."

"Oh God, Master of the Universe, in your infinite compassion, have mercy on us."

We has the customary blessings of the bread and wine and swallowed the food in silence.

Confidence soared. Suddenly we felt free of the previous night's terror. We gave thanks to God.

"We mustn't give up hope, even as the sword hangs over over our heads. So taught our sages..."

taylortuzzalo said...

In the book "Night", Elie Wiesel is brought to a concentration camp with his family during the Holocaust. In the concentration camp the Germans forced the Jews to work day and night with very little food. It was a rough time for Elie because when he was sent to the camp he was a teenager. As years went by, Elie got use to the camp and its horrors.

pg. 78: Elie went off to work, with his body frozen as usual.

pg. 81: As usual, the bell called all the Blockalteste for their daily report.

pg. 91: Elie and his fellow prisoners had stayed close together for three years. Side by side, they had endured the suffering, the blows; they had waited for their ration of bread and they had prayed.

Nida Ali said...

--Make up a list of specific moments where it seems that Wiesel is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps.--


1) " The hospital was not bad at all. We were given good bread and thicker soup."-p. 74

2)" At ten-o'clock in the morning, they took me into the operating room. 'My' doctor was there. I took comfort with this."-p. 75

3)" we were already accustomed to rumors of this kind."-p. 76

4) " As for me, I was not thinking about death, but I did not want to be separated from my father."-p. 78

5) " One shoe in my hand, because it would not go into my right foot, I ran on, feeling neither pain nor cold."-p. 78

6) "My wound was open and bleeding; the snow had grown red where I had trodden."-p. 78

7) "...with luck, the Russians would be here before the evacuation. Hope revived again."-p. 79

8) " An icy wind blew in violent gusts. But we marched without faltering."-p. 81

9) " I quickly forgot him. I began to think of myself again."-p. 82

10) " The idea of dying, of no longer being, began to fascinate me."-p. 82

11) " We had forgotten everything- death, fatigue, our natural needs."=p. 83

12) " The snow was like a carpet, very gentle, very warm. I fell asleep."-p. 84

13) " Under our feet were men crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. No one paid any attention"-p. 84


Anonymous said...

Jasmine Duraku

There were a list of moments where it seemed that Elie Wiesel was becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camp. For example, on page 98, "Pressed tighty against one another in an effort to resist the cold, our heads empty and heavy, our brains a whirlwind of decaying memories."
Page 111, "I listend to him without interrupting. He was right, I thought deep down, not daring to admit myself. Too late to save your old father... You can have two rations of bread, two rations of soup..." Page 113, "I remained in Buchenwald until April 11. I shall not describe my life during that period. It no longer mattered. Since my fathers death, nothing mattered to me anymore. I was transferred to the childrens block, where there were six hundred of us." Those are just a few of the moments were Wiesel felt immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camp.

Anonymous said...

pg.85-86-Elie was running with the camp and even though he was in such pain he just put "one foot in front of the other,like a machine".
pg. 87-As Elie was running he was thinking that "We were stonger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns and the desire to die...)
pg.92-When Elie feels he has lost his foot when he's in the snow he says to himself that he just had to accept the fact he was only going to have one leg and "not to dwell on it".
pg.104-As there entering the camp Elie says they looked at the crematorium's furnace and it, "no longer impressed us."
pg.112-After his father's death he does not cry or really feel any emotion. He feels as though he's free.

Ami Vigilante said...

Page 86-“He must have died, trampled under the feet of the thousands of men who followed us. I soon forgot him. I began to think of myself again.”

Page 89- “Beneath our feet there lay men, crushed, trampled underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention to them.”

Page 92- “The dead remained in the yard, under the snow without even a marker, like fallen guards. No one recited Kaddish over them.”

Page 94- “I tore at decaying flesh that did not respond…I succeeded in digging a hole in the wall of dead and dying people, a small hole trough which I could drink a little air.”

Page 100- “…we merely waited for the next stop, to unload our dead.”

Page 101- “The old man mumbled something, groaned, and died. Nobody cared.”

alexis argentine said...

Alexis Argentine

page 74- "The hospital was not bad at all. We were given good bread and thicker soup."

page 78- Elie and the other prisoners went to work in the camp they were cold and their bodies felt frozen, but he said we got used to it.

page 79- Elie was in the infrimary for his infected foot. He felt safe in the doctors presence. Elie said, “Every word was healing and every glance of his carried a message of hope.”

page 86- elie soon forgets about the young boy from Poland that died right before his eyes.

page 112- “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me , if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!”

Brittany Fallon said...

Repost with Page Numbers: Brittany Fallon

Specific moments where it seems Wiesel is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concentration camps.

-Elie stated that he had gotten used to the feeling of the stones feeling like they were frozen on his hands. (Pg. 78)

-When Elie first went to the infirmary, he was placed on a bed with white sheets. He admitted that he had forgotten people slept on sheets. (Pg. 78)

- Elie compared his under-heated and damaged body to a machine during the evacuation. He focused on nothing putting one foot in front of the next. (Pg. 85)

-Elie had watched men die, such as Zalman, and he knew so many the lives were ending during the evacuation, but focused on his own being. (Pg. 86)

-During the evacuation, Elie claimed he was running like a sleepwalker. He could run with his eyes closed and close himself off from the rest of the world. (Pg. 87)

-There were dead men below the feet of the survivors of the evacuation. Elie said they were ignored. (Pg. 89)

-During the second move to the middle of Germany, Elie mentioned that the Jews were prepared, with blankets to keep warmer. He spoke as though moving and feeling completely numb had become second nature to them. (Pg. 96)

-Elie had a firm belief he would die, rather it be today, tomorrow, or later. In a way he welcomed death, wondering if he would be better off that way.
(Pg. 98)

-Elie could no longer determine who was alive and who was dead when he was on the train. He came to the conclusion that there wasn't much of a difference. (Pg. 98)

-There was no longer any sympathy or care for others. Being the cause of someone's death did not phase anyone, nor did watching a person die. It was each man for himself. This was shown when the father and son were killed over a piece of bread. (Pg. 101-102)

-Food was not a main priority at times. Eating had become like a privilege. Some were not sure of the last time they ate. (Pg. 107)

-When Elie had woken up and found that his father was gone, he could not weep. He had felt free in a way. He was no longer burdened by his father. He could live for himself. (Pg. 112)

-After the death of his father, Elie became unaware of everything going on around him. He focused only upon eating. (Pg. 113)

Anonymous said...

Some specific moments when it seems Elie Wiesel is becoming immune to the concentration camps are:

pg. 78: "I felt that in his presence, nothing serious could happen to me." Elie feels safer in the infermary than he does anywhere else.

pg. 82: "I had made up my mind to accompany my father wherever he went." Elie deicdes he won't leave his father no matter what happens.

pg. 86: "I dont believe he was finished off by and SS, for nobody had noticed." It dosn't bother Elie that a little boy died right next to him.

pg. 92: "Sons abandoned their fatehrs without a tear."Dying is normal for people in the concentraiton camps.

pg. 112: "I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep."
Elie dosn't cry when his father dies.

alanna bergstrom said...

alanna bergstrom (different book)
pg-63-on the eve of Rosh Hashanah many prisoners gathered to proclaim their faith.
pg-66-fast should take place on Yom Kippur but Elie swallows his bowl of soup
pg-71-Elie's father was writen down to stay behind at the camp.Elie is afriad of what might happen it they split.
pg-71-Elies father gives Elie his knife ,as if he was giving up. Elie wouldnt accept it.
pg-75-Elie receives and operation on his leg
pg-86-rabbi comes in and asks if anyone had seen his son.
pg-88,89-Elie is stuck under a dead body,he cant get out and cant breath.
pg-90,91-the boy Juliek, that played the violin, dies slumped over.
pg-102-elies father tells him wear the money and gold is hidden
pg-106- his father dies

Anonymous said...

Alexis Haley
Night- pages 77-115
"List specific moments where it seems Wiesel is horrific nature of camps."

page 77- There followed terrible days. We received more blows than food. The work was crushing. And three days after he left, we forgot to say Kaddish.

page 78- We went off to work as usual, our bodies frozen ... But we got used to that too.

I had forgotten that people slept in sheets.

Actually, being in the infirmary was not bad at all: we were entitled to good break, a thicker soup.

page 80- We were quite used to this kind of rumor.

page 81- "I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people."

That afternoon at four o'clock, as usual, the bell called all the Blockälteste for their daily report.

page 83- In the morning, the camp did not look the same.

page 86- I soon forgot him. I began to think of myself again.

page 87- The road was endless.

page 89- One died because one had to. No point in making trouble.

page 92- Sons abandoned the remains of their fathers without a tear.

page 103- Suddenly, a cry rose in the wagon, the cry of a wounded animal. Someone had just died.

page 112- I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last! ...

page 113- I no longer though about my father, or my mother.

page 115- And even when we were no longer hungry, not one of us though of revenge.

Anonymous said...

p. 77- Elie says the days became short.
p. 80- Elie says he was used to the rumors.
p. 85- Elizer was moving like a machine, not paying attention to his wounded foot or how cold his body was.
p. 95- Elie hears the cannons close by but says he no longer has the strength or courage to think that the Russians would reach them before they could evacuate.
p. 104- The chimney of the crematorium's furnace no longer impressed them. Elie says that it barely drew their attention.
p. 115- After they were free, none of them thought of revenge or of their parents. They only thought of bread.

Anonymous said...

(p. 78) Elie became immune to the bitter coldness and the numbness of his fingers.

(p. 82) Elie was not thinking about death at all, he was only thinking about the how he would be separated from his father.

(p. 89) Elie and his father didnt even pay attention to the dead people laying there, as if it was a regular thing.

(p. 90) Elie was use to seeing dead bodies everywhere.

(p. 98) Elie didnt even care about death anymore. He could care less if he died tomorrow or now. He didn't want to go through the pain.

(p. 100) Elie was immune to having little food each night.

(p. 110) Elie woke up each morning upset and all alone , he was the only one to survive out of 1,300,000 jews.

kathrynn basile said...

Moments where Elie is becoming immune to the horrific nature of the concecntration camp.

*Although Elie knows the end is slowing coming near, he does not give up.

*p.94"All I can say is I prevailed. I succeeded in digging a wall through that hole of dead and dying people, a small hole through which I could drink little air."

*p.78 "Elie went off to work, with his body frozen as usual.”

*pg.112-"After his father's death he does not cry or really feel any emotion. He feels as though he's free."

*p. 112 “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me , if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!”
-kathrynn basile